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If you've been bowling casually and want to step it up a notch, maybe it's time to join one of our Leagues!


What is League Bowling and how is it different to Social Bowling?

League bowling is bowling as a sport in friendly competition to win money, trophies and other prizes! When you join a league your lanes will be freshly oiled (yes the lanes have oil!) at the same time every week ready for you to bowl at a discounted game rate! League turns knocking a couple pins over into competition with teams of people competing throughout a season to win the top spot! League bowling also uses handicaps to help keep the game fair for everyone! That way, even if you bowl a low score, you will get boosted by your handicap and be closer in score to those that bowl high scores.


Why should you join a League?

When you join a league you'll meet new people, pick up new skills in bowling and learn the pain of a 7-10 split. It is a great place to catch up with some mates and have some friendly competition as well as improve your bowling game. You can use your new skills from bowling League on the weekend to show off to family and friends by getting a turkey!


With some practice and the help of your teammates, you will get closer and closer to a perfect game (of 300!) and have some good competitive fun. You may decide to get some matching shirts with your team mates to truly get into the team spirit.

As a bonus, all league players get access to our custom league menu whi
ch offers a roughly 10% discount off our range of food and drink (including hot food and alcohol!) during league times as well as discounted game rates of $8 at any time during our opening hours as a thankyou for your commitment to playing league!


How do I join a League?

If you'd like to join, go to this page and fill out the "Join a League form" and we will get in touch and get the ball rolling!

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