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About our All Ability Leagues

We currently run 2 leagues designed for teenagers and adults to learn the basics of bowling, make new friends and get active. The leagues focus on the bowlers ability, not their disability by developing the fundamental skills required for bowling. We aim to provide a safe and fun environment that promotes socialisationteamwork, skill development and a sense of achievement which boosts confidence. 


Both of our leagues give awards to all participants at the conclusion of the season. The top 2 teams get trophies, with the rest of the teams getting medals. Giving awards to all participants makes league an equal and inclusive environment, and gives bowlers a sense of accomplishment at the end of the season, no matter what position they ended up in.

What League Should I Join?

We currently run 2 leagues designed for All Ability Bowlers.


The Bumper Busters league is designed for limited mobility bowlers as bumpers are up for all bowlers and bowlers do not swap lanes (which would happen in traditional leagues and could cause some confusion). Ramps are also permitted to be used in this league if necessary.


The All Stars league is for more mobile all ability bowlers as it does not have bumpers up and does swap lanes like traditional leagues. Ramps are not permitted in the All Stars League. 


How are All Ability Bowlers Catered for?

We have a range of devices to making bowling easier for all ability bowlers. We have bumpers which prevent balls from going into the gutter, allowing bowlers to almost always knock a few pins over. Note that bumpers are only allowed in the Bumper Busters League. We also have 4 ramps available to be used during leagues. These can be shared between lanes if needed. There are also 2 bowling balls with handles that can be used by special request if available. We do our best to make all bowlers feel welcomed and enjoy themselves. 


What is Need to Join a League?

We have a range of house balls and shoes available meaning the bowlers don't to need to purchase any equipment to get started! This league also doesn't require a TBA membership to join, but note that this means bowlers scores can't be accredited for awards (for example, 300 game, 299 game ect). 

Some league bowlers will have their own custom fitted balls as well as bowling shoes and other useful accessories, all of these can be purchased at our centre and for more information about Jacko's Proshop, tap here or use the menu.


Info for Carers:
Carers are welcome to join their all ability bowler's team but unlike our normal policy, carers do not bowl for free and must pay the league fee. Carers are also not eligible for any awards (trophies/medals) at the end of the season. We encourage carers to still come along and assist or supervise to allow participants to feel safe and to get assistance if needed.

Bumper Busters
League (All Ability)

Mixed All Ability League

Thursdays @ 4:00pm

2 Games
$16 a week

Many spots available!

All Stars League (All

Mixed All Ability League

Thursdays @ 6:00pm

Teams of 3

2 Games

$16 a week

League will start once other league is full

Join a League!

If you've like to join one of our All Ability leagues or get more information, give us a call at (03) 5234 1500 or visit us and speak to one of our staff members who can sign you up and give you all the details! 

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